Ariane and Norbert worked with us for some­time by email to arrange the perfect tour for us. They unders­tood what we wanted to see in Berlin and came up with a wonder­ful itinerary. They are know­led­ge­able in many areas espe­cially the visual arts and added so much to the sights that we were seeing. After 3 days of walking we feel we got to know the city and were happy that they added a few things that were not on the plan. It was a plea­sure to get to know them and I would highly recom­mend them to anyone wanting to see Berlin.

Alf and Gayle Kwinter

Toronto, Canada

It has been my plea­sure to work with the Ramble team, Norbert Witz­gall and Ariane Pauls, on nume­rous occa­si­ons, most recently in the plan­ning for and execu­ting of a complex week-long trip in Octo­ber 2015 for a group of 30 patrons of a major Ameri­can museum.

Over the course of several months prior to the trip, Norbert and Ariane worked closely with me as my in-coun­try advance team, assis­ting in arran­ge­ments for every detail of the trip. As a result, our week of cultu­ral travel was full of fasci­na­ting expe­ri­en­ces and, just as import­antly, was beau­ti­fully orga­ni­zed from start to finish.

I cannot recom­mend Ramble’s services highly enough. Whether it is for an after­noon or for a week, for one person or 30, Norbert and Ariane are the perfect compa­n­ions to enrich a visit to Berlin.

Adeline Talbot

Studio Trave­ler — Small Group Cultu­ral Travel for Indi­vi­du­als, Muse­ums and Non-Profits, North Caro­lina, USA

My first trip to Berlin was moti­va­ted by my passion for contem­porary art. I was not disap­poin­ted — I had a fabu­lous trip! The success of the trip corre­la­ted directly with my employ­ing the exper­tise of Norbert and Ariane — two of the best contem­porary art guides I have ever had the plea­sure of meeting. I was so impres­sed with them and with what the city had to offer that I deci­ded to return 6 months later — once again, they provi­ded me with a fantastic tour and expe­ri­ence. I highly recom­mend them for their know­ledge, energy, passion, commu­ni­ca­tion skills and warmth. I loved spen­ding time with both of them — profes­sio­nals that made me feel right at home.

Morgan Bidner

Toronto, Canada

My husband and I visi­ted Berlin for a long weekend with our 21-year old son, after he suggested we meet there following the finis­hing of his third year of studies at the Univer­sity of St. Andrews in Scot­land. We asked for a contem­porary-art tour and over­view of the city, and both Ariane and Norbert did an excel­lent job. All three of us enjoyed the trip and came away with a good under­stan­ding of the evolu­tion of contem­porary German art and what there is to see in Berlin.

Sue and Fred Dalley

Toronto, Canada

Norbert Witz­gall is an excel­lent guide to Berlin and its envi­rons. He has bound­less enthu­si­asm, an ency­clo­pe­dic know­ledge of the city and an artist’s appre­cia­tion for its monu­ments and muse­ums. He is also sensi­tive to one’s needs and desi­res. My husband and I wanted to walk the streets, take public trans­por­ta­tion and to eat in neigh­bor­hood restau­rants. Norbert listened, added his own sugges­ti­ons, and made our four-day stay in Berlin memo­r­able and exci­ting. We could not have a better experience.

Evelyn and Ed Rosen

Phil­adel­phia, U.S.A.

Ariane Pauls is the main reason that my first trip to Berlin turned into an abiding conver­sa­tion with the City. As a radio docu­men­tary-maker, I have been back twice since then and each time it has been Ariane that has been by my side, giving me a way into the cultu­ral sub-strata of what is a very begui­ling place. It is one thing to be shown around the markers of a city. It’s an enti­rely diffe­rent thing to be given access to a very sophisti­ca­ted under­stan­ding of the Berlin that has emer­ged from a century of uphea­val. It is a shape-chan­ger and you need a really intel­li­gent guide to under­stand such an evol­ving pheno­me­non. I expect I will keep retur­ning to Berlin and know Ariane will conti­nue to open crucial doors for me.

Michael Shir­refs

Melbourne, Austra­lia

I origi­nally visi­ted Berlin to inves­ti­gate Europe’s cultu­ral crisis after the Global Reces­sion, and Ariane Pauls was the person that guided me to contem­porary art spaces, as well as more tradi­tio­nal ones. This ranged from a an exten­sive know­ledge of the arts and music scene, to the very people that make cultu­ral policy in Berlin. I also travel­led with Ariane to Weimar, birth­place of modern Germany and the Bauhaus, and home to many of Germany’s grea­test cultu­ral figu­res, inclu­ding Goethe, Schil­ler and J.S. Bach. The archi­ves that Ariane showed me in Weimar were asto­un­ding. Ariane is excep­tio­nal and I can’t recom­mend her highly enough.

Dr Lyn Gallacher

Foster, Victo­ria, Australia