ramble is Ariane Pauls and Norbert Witzgall.

As visual artists and cultu­ral workers, based in Berlin, we have many years of expe­ri­ence in cultu­ral media­tion. We have worked for the Visi­tors Program of the Goethe-Insti­tut, the Berlin Univer­sity of the Arts (UdK Berlin), the Virgi­nia Common­wealth Univer­sity (VCU), the Univer­sity of the Arts Bremen (HFK Bremen), the Samm­lung Hoff­mann, the Staat­li­che Museen zu Berlin (Natio­nal Muse­ums in Berlin), the Berlin Bien­nale and the Haus der Kultu­ren der Welt (HKW). We cover the whole field of art from large to small, from commis­si­ons for insti­tu­ti­ons to text produc­tion for project spaces and artists.