exhi­bi­tion text in Simpli­fied language for the exhi­bi­tion Cere­mony (Burial of an Undead World) at HKW (English trans­la­tion: Helen Ferguson)

exhi­bi­tion text in Simpli­fied language for the exhi­bi­tion Illi­be­ral Arts at HKW (pp. 20–24 in exhi­bi­tion book­let; English trans­la­tion: Gegen­satz Trans­la­tion Collective)

intro­duc­tory publi­ca­tion in Simpli­fied language for the exhi­bi­tion Aby Warburg: Bilder­at­las Mnemo­syne at HKW (in German)

exhi­bi­tion texts for SCOTTY’s expe­ri­men­tal film and video art program (in German): Secure the Lines! and Of Beast and Man and Freedom’s just…

online audio guide for the exhi­bi­tion Aby Warburg: Bilder­at­las Mnemo­syne at HKW 

GRUND – a publi­ca­tion on art education

collo­quium for the foun­da­tion class at UdK Berlin (in German)

essay On Archi­ves, artist book ariane pauls. the fabric of matter. the matter of fabric, 2012–2013

arti­cle Die Seele der Samm­lung, Maga­zin ZOÓN (in German)

concep­tual design of exhi­bi­tion tours at HKW (2012–2021)

project team — the Goethe-Institut’s global cultu­ral calendar

edito­rial work for the art foun­da­tion LAS